Learning Forward Foundation Academy Scholarship
Alicia Himes, Los Lunas Schools, Los Lunas, NM
The goal of her problem of practice is to create communities of practice and equitable professional learning opportunities as evidenced by a comprehensive plan for district professional learning and impact on student learning.
Juliane Berquam, Peoria Unified School District, Glendale, AZ
The goal of her problem of practice is to provide professional learning opportunities that involve members of all departments working side by side, a commitment by all educators to hold students to higher expectations, an acceptance of every student in shared responsibility, and a continuous cycle of learning and support to continue to build strength as a collective team.
Amy MacCrindle, Huntley Community School District 158, Algonquin, IL
The goal of her problem of practice is to support a district professional system focusing on the following areas: Conditions for Success: describe aspects of the professional learning context, structures, and cultures. Transformational Processes: describe process elements of professional learning and how educators can sustain changes in knowledge, skills, practices, and mindsets. Rigorous and Inclusive Content: describe the essential content of adult learning that leads to improved student outcomes
Patsy Hochman Academy Scholarship
Gwendolyn Best, Petersburg City Public Schools, Petersburg, VA
The goal of her problem of practice is to support teachers, administrators, and central office leaders to create a comprehensive annual plan for professional growth based on relevant and contextualized learning goals.
Stephanie Hirsh Academy Scholarship
Miladys Cepero-Perez, Miami Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL
The goal of her problem of practice is to enhance support for teacher leaders in analyzing the data collected from their school annual professional learning survey to identify a problem of practice, address this problem of practice through the implementation of action research, and to collect and analyze student achievement data to make informed decisions to improve instructional practices and student achievement.
Dale Hair Affiliate Grant
Learning Forward Ontario, Co-chairs – Laura Callaghan & Brian Weishar
The goals of this affiliate grant is to improve user experience through effective web site design and maintenance, improve promotions using our website and social media platforms, and Increase membership.