Chair’s Message
The Learning Forward Foundation stands by Learning Forward in its commitment to building every educator's capacity to establish and sustain high-impact professional learning so that every student has access to high-quality teaching and learning. Since 1985, the Learning Forward Foundation has raised money to provide scholarships and grants to support school-based and district-based educators from across the globe working to advance the Standards for Professional Learning. The Foundation has granted over 89 scholarships and grants in three countries. Together, we can reach even more educators who wish to increase their knowledge of the Professional Learning Standards, improve their practice, create better learning conditions for their colleagues, and improve student results.
We award several scholarships a year to educators accepted into the Learning Forward Academy, Learning Forward's flagship deep learning experience. Members of the Academy spend 2 ½ years working with expert coaches and practitioners from around the world to learn how to create, implement, and sustain high-impact professional learning. The Academy would be out of reach for many recipients without financial support. Grants are awarded to support Learning Forward affiliates in rebuilding, reorganizing, or generating a more robust organization to broaden opportunities for educators to learn strategically. Foundation board members also support awardees as they apply their new knowledge and skills in their unique contexts throughout the grant period.
The impact of our grants and scholarships is far-reaching. For example, we have observed award recipients on more than one occasion who used their learning from the Academy to create sustainable and equitable professional learning systems that improved educator efficacy and practice and increased student results.
Positive outcomes would not be possible without the generous donations from people like you. We are so grateful for all you do to support the Foundation's work. Continuous learning by educators is essential to improving the achievement of all students.
Thank you for your continued support,
Amy B. Colton
Chair, Learning Forward Foundation
Listen to our mission and vision in action.
Shannon Terry

Our vision
The Learning Forward Foundation will establish a sustainable stream of funding to develop leaders who empower educators to learn for student success.
Our mission
The Learning Forward Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization, raises money to provide scholarships and grants to support and empower educators from across the globe to design high quality teaching that results in growth and achievement for every student through professional learning.