Guidelines To Establishing A Learning Forward Scholarship or Grant
The Learning Forward Foundation accepts gifts in honor of individuals, organizations, or teams who have made contributions to the field of professional learning and specifically to Learning Forward’s vision, mission and purpose. Donors wishing to give a gift or establish a scholarship or grant in honor of an individual will submit a written request for approval to the Learning Forward Foundation board.
Donor gifts can be given as a scholarship or a grant. For purposes of a donor's decision to fund a scholarship or grant the following definitions are included:
- A scholarship provides funds to support tuition for an extended learning experience (e.g. Learning Forward Academy).
- A grant provides funds for the implementation of a project or problem of practice with specific goals and outcomes related to professional learning (e.g. 3 year grant to support principals in developing a strong system of professional learning).

The written request must include:
- Appropriate documentation describing the honoree’s contributions to Learning Forward’s vision, mission and purpose and/or the field of professional learning;
- The type and amount of the award to be established;
- Additional criteria beyond the foundation’s existing criteria for this specific
scholarship/grant to use in selecting recipients; - Full contact information of the donor responsible for coordinating the gift with the
Learning Forward Foundation board; - A funding plan; and
- A shortfall designation.
Donors agree to make and/or solicit adequate contributions to fund the scholarship/grant. The funding procedure is described in the procedure section of this document. The Learning Forward Foundation board may invite the donor to participate in the scholarship/grant development and review process.
The goals of these guidelines are designed:
- To create a clear and fair process by which donors can honor individuals, organizations, or teams that have had a positive impact on Learning Forward's purpose and/or the field of professional learning;
- To ensure the long-term financial health of the foundation; and
- To outline the administrative procedures and costs for establishing scholarships/grants that will not place an undue burden on the limited administrative support of the foundation.

Gifts will fall under one of three categories.
Level 1
Gift in Honor of -- Any amount of money may be given for an honoree. Gift donation will be noted in foundation documents and appropriate publications. If not specified, the foundation board will determine to which award the gift will be allocated. (This procedure is presently in place).
Level 2
One-Time Scholarships/Grant -- To name a one-time scholarship/grant for an honoree, the initial gift must be equal to the total cost of the designated scholarship/grant at the time of the gift plus an additional 10% to cover administrative costs. All gifts will be used for one of the foundation’s existing scholarship/grant awards (Learning Forward Foundation Affiliate Grant, Principal as a Leader of Professional Learning Grant, Dale Hair Affiliate Grant, Learning Forward Foundation Team Grant, Learning Forward Foundation Academy Scholarships, Patsy Hochman Academy Scholarship and Leading for Learning: System Grant) and will be named for the honoree(s) for the duration of the agreement. For example, during this funding year, an award of $11,000 given in the name of Jane Smith ($10,000 plus 10%) will be known as the Jane Smith Grant for 2018.
Donors may specify additional criteria for awarding the scholarship/grant beyond the foundation’s existing criteria. Donors will be noted in Learning Forward Foundation documents and appropriate publications, and the recipient will be notified about the origin of the gift and the contributions of the honoree.
Level 3
Multi-year Scholarships -- To give a multi-year scholarship/grant for an honoree, the gift must be equal to a multiple of the total cost of the scholarship/grant plus appropriate administrative costs. The scholarship/grant will be designated for one of the existing foundation giving programs (Learning Forward Foundation Affiliate Grant, Principal as a Leader of Professional Learning Grant, Dale Hair Affiliate Grant, Learning Forward Foundation Team Grant, Learning Forward Foundation Academy Scholarships, Patsy Hochman Academy Scholarship and Leading for Learning: System Grant). The award will be in the honoree’s name for as many years as the gift allows (e.g., the scholarship amount for one year and the projected future costs). For example, a standing 5-year scholarship to the Learning Forward Foundation Academy Scholarship at this year’s tuition would be a minimum of $21,175 ($3,850 for the first year and appropriate projected costs for the following years plus 10% administrative costs) and the scholarship would be named the John Smith, Learning Forward Foundation Academy Scholarship. Donors may specify additional criteria for awarding the scholarship/grant beyond the foundation’s existing criteria. Donor(s) will be noted in the Learning Forward Foundation documents during the first year that the gift was received and as many subsequent years as the gift amount allows. In subsequent years, the scholarship/grant would be marketed in the honoree’s name alongside the foundation’s existing scholarships/grants. The recipient will be notified about the origin of the gift and the contributions of the honoree.
The Learning Forward Foundation’s annual financial report will account for gifts and document how they were expended.
Procedure for donor gifts to the Learning Forward Foundation honoring an individual, organization, or team:
- Individual initiating the recognition will contact the foundation through the Learning Forward Business Office in Oxford, Ohio at 800-727-7288 to receive the procedures for establishing the honoring scholarship or grant, the funding requirements, and the deadlines.
- The total amount of the gift must be received by April 1 in order for the gift to be included in that year’s scholarship/grant award process. Gifts received after this date will be included in the subsequent year’s scholarship/grant awards.
- Donors may submit a single payment for the scholarship/grant or seed the fund with a minimum donation of $1,000, and collect additional contributions to the honoree’s fund. These additional contributions will be forwarded in a group to the foundation. If the targeted amount for the designated fund is not received by April 1, the Learning Forward Foundation board will contact the primary donor for a decision about deferring the award of the scholarship/gift until sufficient funds are raised or transferring the funds to the foundation’s existing scholarship/grant funds. Honoree funds not fully funded after one year will revert to the fund in the original designation. All donors will be recognized in appropriate publications.

Our vision
The Learning Forward Foundation will establish a sustainable stream of funding to develop leaders who empower educators to learn for student success.
Our mission
The Learning Forward Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization, raises money to provide scholarships and grants to support and empower educators from across the globe to design high quality teaching that results in growth and achievement for every student through professional learning.