
Developing close reading and written response routines with elementary students

During year one, a professional learning community was developed among four neighboring schools. A summative report was provided by Susan O’Neil, which included specific goals of the project and current status.

  • Goal 1: Increase student scores on district reading comprehension and writing assessments as measured by assessment data that will show growth of at least 200%. Status: Schools A, B, and C indicate an average student growth beyond the projected 200% in year one by using the pre and post Self Regulated Strategy Development scales.
  • Goal 2: Increase student scores by at least 20% on average on state literacy assessments related to Close Reading and Writing to Sources as measured by state assessment data.
    Status: Data not available yet.
  • Goal 3: Increase teacher learning about and usage of effective practices for teaching Close Reading and Write to Sources.
    Status: Data collection between schools was insufficient.
  • Goal 4: Increase student enjoyment of Close Reading/Write to Sources and teacher enjoyment of teaching this.
    Status: Data collection was insufficient.
  • Goal 5: Draw from lessons learned during the pilot to strengthen how this work is expanded in four of the 32 elementary schools with a long-term view of expanding to all.
    Status: Lessons drawn from year one – issues of communication between schools relating to implementation and data collection and schedule needing modification.

Funds from the Learning Forward Team Grant provide assistance from Vicki Duff (lead) and Linda Munger (ambassador) in providing requested resources to support in year two.


Our vision

Educate, innovate, transform, educator Professional Learning.

Our mission

The Learning Forward Foundation supports the development of educators' capacity to improve student learning through innovation and improvement that transforms professional learning, framed by the Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning and implemented with a coherent design through grants, scholarships, and professional support.

Annual report