
Deepen Learning Through A “Touchpoint” Conversation

Deepen Learning Through A “Touchpoint” Conversation: A Process That Results in Reflection and Support for Implementation

A Touchpoint is a one-hour conversation between the Learning Forward Foundation (LFF) board members and Learning Forward Foundation scholarship and grant recipients. The Touchpoint Conversation provides time for recipients to reflect on implementation of their professional learning plans, while deepening their knowledge and skills for using professional learning effectively for impact. LFF board members intentionally designed the Touchpoint as a reflective learning space by using protocols, and facilitation strategies, to support educators’ use of professional learning in their context successfully through a community of practice. Two or three times a year, LFF board members and scholarship and grant recipients engage in Touchpoints to further their work in providing educators with effective professional learning.

In December 2019, Steve Barkley, a consultant, and former board member for the LFF, engaged three LFF board members in a podcast interview to share their learning from engaging in the Touchpoint process. During the podcast, LFF board members summarized the various ways grant recipients are inspired and supported, the knowledge and skills gained about professional learning, and how a well-crafted and facilitated one hour reflective space serves as a powerful learning design for gaining new insights,  mindsets, and knowledge and skills resulting in positive change and improvements for educators and students.

Click to hear the podcast episode.


Our vision

Educate, innovate, transform, educator Professional Learning.

Our mission

The Learning Forward Foundation supports the development of educators' capacity to improve student learning through innovation and improvement that transforms professional learning, framed by the Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning and implemented with a coherent design through grants, scholarships, and professional support.

Annual report